When Love Doesn’t Go the Way it Should
Almost three years into our marriage, my husband began using speed (otherwise known as methamphetamine). He had arrived home from...
Almost three years into our marriage, my husband began using speed (otherwise known as methamphetamine). He had arrived home from...
Christians don’t like to talk about their dark days. Well, maybe I should just say “people” don’t like to talk...
Does Christianity promote codependence? After all, the Bible says to forgive offenders “seventy times seven times” . . ....
Any discussion of the promises of God must include a look at “the fear of the LORD.” Lots of verses...
A perfectionist/over-achiever whose plans were derailed. As my well-ordered world crumbled away, I discovered the heart and strength of my faith hidden inside. I believe our stories are valuable, so I share to encourage others.
© 2022 — R.E. Lane/Adventures in Loving
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